
OUGD402 - Study Task 4 - What is Graphic Design For?


Using the areas of Graphic Design discussed  in the seminar, studio workshop as a starting point and with reference to the 'What is Graphic Design For - Part 1/2' presentation. Identify, record and evaluate a minimum of: 
5 examples of websites/blogs. that will help you to define information & way-finding design.  
5 examples of websites/blogs. that will help you to define product & packaging design.  
5 examples of websites/blogs. that will help you to define branding & identity design. 
5 examples of websites/blogs. that will help you to define editorial and publishing design. 
5 examples of websites/blogs. that will help you to define retail and & promotion.

You should aim to identify sources that represent the breadth of design practices, functions and audiences. Once you have identified your sources, you will need to:

Write a brief statement defining your understanding of each of the design areas
Identify 10 examples of each discipline and 'categories' them by genre, audience, content, sector, budget and/or any appropriate method as discussed in your groups.
Comment on the effectiveness of the examples with regards to content, format, function and media.

Information and Way-finding Design.

This kind of Graphic Design is made to inform and direct the audience with directions, statistics, figures and advice.

Examples of blogs:

Examples of design:

Getting Lost.

Getting Lost from Marco Bagni - LostConversation on Vimeo.

This is an infographics video about the meaning of life, I found this whilst researching infographics on and found it amazing. I had to watch it three or four times, the amount of visual information hitting you at once as well as the dramatic colours, music and use of imagery is very very effective.

Microscopic Landscapes: Visualising Music in Physical Form.

This represents music as a physical form in the impact of sound waves. The sound waves are built in a frequency format which is coiled together to create a body of mass which you can see above. There is a range of these sculptures made to be a visual representation of sound, very clever.

Hand Drawn London Map.

There are many hand drawn maps of cities but this is definitely the best one I have seen so far. This is of London and includes lots of quirky features like famous landmarks, celebrities birthplaces, funny stereotypes, and an incredible amount of detail.

The London Underground:

Everyone knows of the London Underground map systems. These are the most iconic info graphic design pieces around. Communication is visual, quick, informative and easy to understand. Colours are used well to communicate and suits it's purpose perfectly.

The Paleo Diet:

This infographic is an interesting little piece giving us a round up as to why we should eat like a cave man! I enjoyed reading this and it flowed very nicely visually and communicated thoroughly.

Blood Pressure. Know your numbers:

This post highlights the main keys of blood pressure, how to control it, how to test it, and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle in regards to your heart.

The Digital Narrative Wayfinding:

These way-finding signs were made for an exhibition at an art school by designer Vince Lo. Each are built by block shapes with white type displaying directions and information. These are well decorated and communicate the message quickly and directly.

The Gallery Wayfinding:

This example is of some way-finding in a casino called The Gallery in Asia, they use simple use of type and illustration combined in very stoney colours and white. This gives off a very classy and formal effect of communication to suit the surroundings.

The Deleted:

This image here is a winning entry to a competition on meaning, the tree divides off into two colours representing different things. 

Battle of the Bonds:

This infographic was also a competition entry to visualise information on the bond films to compare them. This was the winner.

Product & Packaging Design.

This kind of Graphic Design is used to create a piece of packaging to hold, box, and present a product in an appropriately aesthetic way.

Examples of blogs:

Examples of design:

Madhava Natural Sweeteners.

Madhave natural sweeteners went under a six month rebranding period and one of the outcomes was this series of bottle labels for the products displaying a friendly bear character beside some plantation in a variety of colours in regards to the bottle contents. The illustration, type and colours work together very well to promote the organic products with a friendly feeling about them.

Waen Brewery.

The agency "Burst" created this identity for the welsh brewery "Waen Brewery". The objective of this packaging design was to create a new identity for the brewery to contrast and compete with the traditional identities of other beer and ale companies.

Ouzo Thoukis.

The packaging of this spirit is a very simplistic design focusing on the taste and ingredients of the product. In particular, the anise plant which is the fundamental ingredient of ouzo. Purity and distillation are clearly represented through the minimalistic design.

Hudson Made Workers Soap

Presented in a hand made finished packaging is always a good way to show off your product. This range of soap went in the right direction by having it all letterpresses, had folded and packaged as well as strung and sealed beautifully. Style links to the target audience of the working class.

Fumble Brewing Co.

Range of beers presented with a different colour code for each taste, these have been cleverly designed with hand drawn aesthetics as well as digitalisation in regards to the logo and type.

Timion Greek Olive Oil.

The target audience for this product was clearly people who admire quality of production as well as presentation. This has been designed in a very modern and simplistic way staying true to the form of the bottle which is also different to most olive oil bottles.

Westbrook Brewing.

Hand drawn identities are one of my personal favourites, it always gives the branding a bit more of an identity and some character that digital can't ever replace. These cans in particular have been beautifully designed to a top standard including cultural illustrations leading to the traces of the brand itself.

Gnaw Chocolate.

Puns are a great selling point, especially when it's as good as this chocolate company from 'Gnorfolk' - Gnaw. The logo and packaging design is normally very simple but colourful and full of character with the iconic squirrel on each one linking back to the area it's produced.

Atelier To Go.

Embossed boxes with black foil logos are always a classy way to package anything. The online clothing retailer atelier-to-go got it all right here using a shiny black on matt black surface and finishing it with a high quality printed ribbon.


Gusseted bags for wallpaper designed by the agency 'Progress'. One colour screen print on canvas bag for marketing purposes with illustrated design patterns and the name in bold in the top right corner.

Branding and Identity Design.

This kind of Graphic Design is used to signify or define a company or organisation with a recognisable font, logo or style, normally a mixture of all three. This will serve as the identity of the organisation it is used by so the public can recognise it.

Examples of blogs:

Examples of design:

The Real Jaguars Of Jacksonville.

Rebranding for the American football team for Jacksonville. Consisted of a lighter colour scheme as well as a restyling of the jaguar logo itself into a more modern and well illustrated identity complemented with a more impacting typeface to represent the team as a whole.

Ozharvest Organisation.

Ozharvest is an organisation based in Australia with an aim to save and distribute wasted food from around the country and then deliver it to relevant charities and homeless shelters to both reduce food wastage. This beautifully made annual report shows that they are both interested in their branding and identity of their organisation in an effect to show people visually how caring they are with what they do. The clever use of two colours in this publication effectively distribute the message to promoters and investors.


“This stag remains today, as it always has been, the Jägermeister trademark. A symbol of the preservation of our quality and tradition.”

The branding for this theatre worked very well with the two colour print on white stock, quotation marks as a symbol for cultural theatre as and also as an identity of scriptwriting.

TINE Melkerampa.

The branding of this company focused on the whole dairy culture of their identity. They focus on quality and tradition true to their culture and wanted to show this in their branding and identity.


337 years of being a traditional auction house, stadsauktion was bound to have a beautiful branding strategy to keep it memorable. Keeping to its traditional roots and theme, the branding was carefully designed with modern aesthetics compelled with their history.

F Menard.

Family hog breeding and processing business based in France has a beautiful branding strategy behind it which has been working for 50 years now. This modernised identity created by a series of french designers pushes back to traditions and basics. Absolutely beautiful typography and imagery used together with composition has made this an amazing piece of branding which has really inspired me.

Brighton Road Studios.

Brighton Road Studios are a design collaboration team which focus on the combination of different styles and creative minds into a single piece or brief to create something unique and spectacular, every part of their branding defines this through their different uses of colour and pattern but following the same typographic route through each one.


Another example of creative yet minimalist branding. These business cards have been designed to leave an impression and a message and that is exactly what they do. The logo is printed on the front and the website and twitter page on the back. These sides are perfectly letter-pressed on heavy duty silk cards to leave an impressive thought when holding the card.


I have touched up a lot of traditional print when it comes to the branding blogs on this post. Here I wanted to show a web based form of branding in regards to some web developers who needed an identity. Here the designer has developed an identity with screen and giving them a catchy phrase to go with their name and logo.


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