I was given the three names they were deciding between and was told to take my own spin on it remembering the target audience of the children and their parents.
I created a couple of mood-boards to define the two directions that I felt fit the idea well and showed them to the designers, they all told me that I was definitely going in the right direction and the style resembled a project they had already done for the company which was a good sign.
I spent the rest of the day developing three concepts that took lead on those directions and presented them to Sam before leaving and he was really happy with the outcomes as directions to show the clients. Being given a day for something this advanced was a challenge in itself, but to be told that the direction outcomes I had finished with were of good enough standard to go to a client was a great feeling to leave with.
I am really enjoying the time I am spending at Lift and am looking forward to being able to spend more time with them and possibly a full time job once their new studio is finished!
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